Satellites, launchers and other systems used in space applications require products manufactured to the highest possible standards, as operating conditions can sometimes be extreme. We offer various ESA and MIL qualified and also „Non-Flight“ parts, which meet these requirements regarding vibration resistance, radiation, magnetism, outgassing and corrosion.
- D-Sub qualified to ESCC3401 and MIL-DTL-24308 in Standard, HD and mixed layout versions
- Micro-D according to ESA/ESCC3401 and MIL-PRF-83513
- Microminiatur- and Nano-versions
- Circular Connectors qualifieed to ESCC3401 und MIL-DTL-38999
- Hermetically sealed versions
- Qualified Savers, Backshells and Accessories, as well as locking hardware for all options
- Coax-connectors as SMP, TNC, SMA, SMA 2.92 qualified to ESCC3402
- Customer specific harnesses
Satellite technology
- ESA qualified PCB connectors
- Special Backshell for solar panels
- Miniature Rectangular connectors with application-specific testing
- RF special contacts